Helpful Hints on Planning Your Event


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Are you new? Need some guidelines on getting a facility?

Your testing facility is very important! Look for a place where students can test without noise and interruption in a safe and welcoming environment. If you are a part of a homeschool group, the first place to consider is your regular meeting facility. Other options might include local community centers, a public library (if meeting rooms are available), or local churches. 
  • The levels of tests you’re likely to administer. You’ll need at least 4–6 rooms, depending on which test you are administering (if you are an approved coordinator, please listen to the Advertising recording for more specifics about Stanford-10 and CTP test requirements). Students don’t have to have desks; they can sit at tables but should have enough space to minimize distractions.
  • An area for nursery, if you choose to provide one
  • A waiting area for non-proctoring parents
  • A central area for check-in
  • Bathrooms
  • Parking
TIP: Build goodwill!
Smart Test Coordinators think about next year while arranging for this year’s event. Leave things even neater than you found them! Remember a “thank you” to the facility after your event is closed. If in doubt about systems (like thermostats), ask someone!

How are extra expenses (like a facility fee) paid?

Homeschool Testing Services collects the fees from families for testing materials and processing only. If you have extra costs, such as a facility fee, cleaning, or snacks that are directly associated with the event, you may collect a “love offering” at the time of testing or charge each family a pre-set amount at check-in. If you need to collect extra fees at the test event, it’s probably a good idea to let families know that in your introductory emails, and explain what the money will go for.

What schedule should I follow on test days? 

Click on the image below to browse grade-specific testing day schedules. Please note, these are suggested test orders and times.

Do parents stay during testing?

Parents are allowed to drop off their child/children and pick them up at the designated time set by you, the coordinator. If your facility has room, you can set aside a room for the parents and siblings.

  • Parents may get a little loud (particularly if they have younger siblings along), so if you can put them in an area away from testing students, it may be more comfortable for everybody.
  • Snacks may be provided IF the facility says it’s OK, but be sure to clean up afterward!
  • Leave catalogs, books, and your contact information where parents can peruse them.
  • Tables or Wi-Fi connection might be appreciated.

Advertise your event!

All homeschoolers can test with HTS, so spread the word! Some ideas:

  • Advertise on local homeschooling blogs or newsletters
  • If you are part of a homeschool group, use that network!
  • Email your local community and other local homeschool groups in your area
  • Post about the Testing event on your local community Facebook page! We provide images and flyers in each Test Coordinator kit, or make your own!
  • Hand out/post  flyers in your community

This is great opportunity to serve your homeschool community!